Order Status

When your order has shipped, you will receive an email notification from us letting you know the status of your order. This includes email confirmations for 'order confirmed', 'shipping your order', 'your order is out for delivery' and finally 'your order has been delivered'. Please allow 48 hours for this information to become available.
You can track your orders at Track My Order
If your order(s) don't appear after clicking the link, make sure you're signed in with the correct email which was used to place the order. You can check if you're using the correct email by clicking the profile image at the top right hand corner of the orders page on desktop, and top left hand corner on mobile.
If you haven’t received your order within the estimated time frame of delivery for your region (Shipping & Delivery) after receiving your shipping confirmation email, please contact us at info@stylacase.com with your name and order number, and we will look into it for you.